Nu Art Projects [Insert Jewish Culture Here] is dedicated to increasing Jewish cultural appreciation through well-crafted participatory experiences. We understand that culture and art have a very important role to play in reinforcing Jewish identity and promoting continuity.
Our projects create a space for interaction and dialogue using the visual and performing arts as a tool to engage the Jewish community.
We believe strongly in the power of participatory cultural experiences and believe art education is enhanced through a variety of ways when it directly engages the audience. Nu ART encounters our audience where they are and pulls them into well-crafted cultural experiences. Our projects create a space for interaction, dialogue, and change using the visual and performing arts as a tool to engage the Jewish community. The ability to create temporary cultural happenings exposes Jewish concepts to a broad audience.
For more than a decade the Jewish Federation, the Jewish Artists Initiative (JAI), the Skirball Cultural Center and others have worked to foster Jewish cultural experiences for residents of Los Angeles. Building on these efforts Nu ART Projects creates a way to expand this conversation reaching new audiences and engaging long time participants in innovate ways.
Nu ART allows all SoCal Jews an opportunity to experience the quality and diversity of contemporary Jewish culture firsthand. You could participate by helping to fund works of art as a diner at a SEDER Micro-grant communal meal or by supporting the creation of a mobile Jewish art lab.
Nu ART is committed to raising awareness in Los Angeles and beyond regarding the value of art in Jewish life. Our programming will remain reflective of LA allowing Jews of all ages the ability to explore, engage, and foster an increased appreciation of Jewish culture.
Anne Hromadka, Nu ART Founder & Director
Anne Hromadka is an independent curator and arts management consultant. Recently, she founded AMH Art Advisory. Anne is working with a select group of artists, arts non-profits and commercial galleries to increase exposure and strategically develop their goals.
Prior to starting her consulting business, she was the Co-Director of Shulamit Gallery and was appointed Foundation Arts Administrator of the Y&S Nazarian Family Foundation in early 2012. She served as the Program Director for three years with the Jewish Arts Initiative (JAI), a regional nonprofit focused on supporting and advancing Jewish visual and performance artists. Prior to working with JAI, Anne directed a contemporary art gallery in the Culver City arts district. Additionally, she has served as an independent consultant for Hebrew Union College-JIR, Los Angeles for over six years.
in February 2011, Hromadka founded Nu Art Projects and SEDER Arts Micro-Grant. She was listed as a 2011 Big Jewcy and received a spot in the 2011 PresenTense (PT) Global Summit in Jerusalem due to the success of the SEDER Arts Micro-Grant. Her graduate work in Public Art Studies from the USC Roski School of Fine Arts and Hebrew Union College-JIR, LA School for Jewish Nonprofit Management, led her to envision new approaches to Jewish cultural engagement.
SEDER Planning Team
Will Deutsch: Joined the team after becoming our first SEDER Winner. He has continued to help give back and support this project. Will has helped to create our amazing graphic look.
Melissa Karlin: Joined the team in 2013 as our first Program Coordinator.
Jacob Perlin: Joined the team in 2012 and has helped to grow SEDER Art Nights. He is also a great MC!
Hillel Smith: Joined the team after becoming our third SEDER Winner. He has continued to help give back and support this project.
Have any questions? Interested in partnering or supporting us? Like what you see?
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Anne Hromadka: